Sunday, April 15, 2007

Participating in Yoga Class

We (Lynn and I) survived two Yoga classes at the town recreation department and I did well. My balance is a bit of a challenge and the routines certainly bring one’s flexibility to new heights.


Julia said...

Ciao Joe!

I have been doing yoga(and loving it) for about 4 years now. You should know that balancing postures are difficult even for those of us who have never suffered a TBI!

On a side note, Jay and I spent yesterday cheering on our friend Paul Charest, who was running the Boston Marathon for the first time...a runner went by us, and for a moment, I thought it was you! Perhaps a premonition of your "getting back on track"?

Joe A said...

Hey Joe,
Karen and I took Yoga classes thru the winter. I still have no flexibility and no balance...
Apologies for not getting in touch sooner!

Anonymous said...

Hi Joe, I commend you for studying yoga. I need to get back to it. It really relaxed my whole body & mind! Jeff took a 6 week course with me once. It was quite comical! We used to have family sessions in our living room as well.