Wednesday, February 28, 2007

TBI special on ABC

Last night, 2/27/2007, there was a TV special on ABC, while it was very educational about the magnitude of TBI, it was a bit too clinical. I can, likewise, suggest an old movie, Regarding Henry, for it’s portrayal of the personal impact of brain injury. There is now, 8:00 Wednesday, an interview with Lee Woodruff, on ABC. Lee is the wife of Bob Woodruff, and she has written a book about his TBI, and recovery, called In an Instant. You can see replays on


Kathy Podgers said...

Just found your blog during a google search. I watched the specials, both the interview on Oprah, and the documentary at 10pm on ABC. I thought it was very informative, both in explaining to viewers what TBI really is, and showing how extrodinary Bob's recovery is.

It bothered me a little that during the documentary Bob was portrayed as "fully recovered." Also, the effort and work he put into his recovery was, for my taste, made to look too much like "fun" with the kids. The frustration of not being able to "find the right word" was brushed aside.

It takes awhile to understand that one is a person with a disability. There are so many folks out there with disabilities that are still undiagnosed, and those living with undiagnosed disabilities not only do not have the health care they need, but their friends and family just don't understand "what's wrong" with them.

Judy said...

This documentary sounds good. I wish I had known about it. Since working with you, I have become very interested in this type of disability and would like to learn more.

Your blog looks better every time I access it! I especially like the photos.

allisona said...

Just an FYI...Bob and his wife will be at Quinnipiac University on April 16 for a speech and book signing. Here is the link: